Kiss Me Lorena is the first Italian film downloadable from the Internet, for FREE.

Yes, you did understand correctly: you can enjoy this little jewel of comedy and demential humour comfortably sitting in you own homes and without spending a penny!

Nobody will try to accuse you of Internet Piracy and that is simply because we authorize you to download the film and do whatever you like with it. Of course, within certain limits… but still!

In the Download section you will be able to download the movie choosing the format that you most like. So you, as John Landis, will be able to enjoy it and shout: “Kiss Me Lorena? Amazing!”.

Enjoy the show.
i Licaoni.


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« MODx Parse Error »

MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
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  Line 430 source: header($header);  
Parser timing
  MySQL: 0.1009 s s(10 Requests)
  PHP: 0.0585 s s 
  Total: 0.1594 s s